Light & Ink

I'm a member of several meetup groups dedicated to photography, some of which put on workshops. The other night I attended a workshop on Light & Ink Master Lighting Class, hosted by PRO Photo Studio Workshops. Workshops such as these are a great way to learn and push your knowledge of studio light setups. You also gain valuable experience interacting with a model to work towards getting the best images possible.

The model for Light & Ink Master Lighting Class was Theresa Manchester. She was simply wonderful to work with, I cannot recommend her highly enough. Very professional, intuitive, 

We worked through some different light setups with a mix of low-key and high-key thrown in.

model: Theresa Manchester

model: Theresa Manchester

A typical low-key setup using a soft box on the near right, with two strip on the left/right to add fill along the edges.

Fan Expo 2014

So after 4 days of wandering the halls of the Metro Convention Centre marveling at the exhibits, displays of artwork and the fantastic cosplay, I finally have the time to go through and curate some of the images.

Every convention I attend I am astounded by the creativity, skill and dedication of the cosplayers who attend.

I will be posting an assortment of images in the following locations:

For the Facebook images, feel free to tag yourself and share them about, or use them as your profile pictures.

Morning at the Guild Inn

In the middle of July I took a trip to a location way in the east end of Toronto that not a lot of people seem to have ever visited, The Guild Inn. It is a wonderful bit of Toronto history located near Kingston Road and Eglington Ave E. This was an opportunity to take capture some early morning images with a very gothic feel.

The morning started nicely with some clouds and even a bit of drizzle to keep away the harsh light of the sun. That was short-lived as all too soon the sun punched through the clouds and added some harsh light.

A bit of processing and we got a nice assortment of dark and mysterious images from a secluded park filled with ruins and statues.