FanExpo 2016

Another Labour Day weekend comes and goes and with it, a fantastic weekend at FanExpo Toronto. I spent a bit of time attending a few Q&A panels but the bulk of each day was just wandering through the vendor floor taking pictures of some amazing cosplay!

I've pushed daily galleries to Facebook. Feel free to tag and share!

Thursday, Sept 1
Friday, Sept 2
Saturday, Sept 3
Sunday, Sept 4

I've also pushed images to Flickr, to allow embedding in blogs and such.

Thursday, Sept 1
Friday, Sept 2
Saturday, Sept 3
Sunday, Sept 4

Fan Expo 2014

So after 4 days of wandering the halls of the Metro Convention Centre marveling at the exhibits, displays of artwork and the fantastic cosplay, I finally have the time to go through and curate some of the images.

Every convention I attend I am astounded by the creativity, skill and dedication of the cosplayers who attend.

I will be posting an assortment of images in the following locations:

For the Facebook images, feel free to tag yourself and share them about, or use them as your profile pictures.